Hiring an Attorney for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Most people who suffer an injury for which another person or company is responsible don’t file lawsuits. They either make an arrangement for the liable party to take responsibility, or they “suck it up” and go on with their lives. Often, this happens because they don’t understand the legal system and the damages they can seek, or they worry they will have to pay out of pocket for legal fees. The concern about legal fees is especially acute when the defendant will be a business or an insurance company, who can afford a high-powered legal team.
But as this blog post points out, hiring a highly effective personal injury lawyer does not necessarily mean you’ll have to pay the legal costs yourself. Often personal injury lawyers will take a viable case on contingency, meaning they take their fee as a portion of the final settlement.
Because they know liability laws, they also know the kind of damages you can seek. For example, you may sue for ongoing medical bills, which covers the cost of potential treatments of your injury in the future. You may pursue damages for emotional distress if the injury caused you to face other challenges in your life or led to anxiety. Or you may seek compensation for pain and suffering – not just the money you need for medical treatment but the suffering that having the injury causes. Whereas most people understand these concepts only anecdotally, an experienced personal injury attorney knows how to pursue these awards and win.
Statistically, the amounts awarded to those who hire a personal injury lawyer to pursue their injury claim on their behalf are significantly higher than to those who reach a compensation agreement on their own. Speaking to an experienced personal injury lawyer is an important first step in determining the viability of your case and setting yourself up to reach a favorable outcome.